Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pre - Research ( Brendon Goh )

This project is about making a ball roll down a ramp and across a horizontal track as fast as possible. This experiment is more about physics, energy and conversion of energy.

Energy is defined as the ability to do work.

There are 2 main types of energy in this experiment, gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Energy is measured in the unit of Joule ( J )

Gravitational potential energy: The formula is mgh, where m is mass in kg, g is gravitational field strength, about 10 N/kg on earth, and h is height in meters.

It depends on the height and mass, so changing the height and mass will cause different gravitational potential energy.

Kinetic energy: Anything that is moving has kinetic energy.

The formula is 1/2mv^2 or I other words (0.5m)(vv) or also (m/2)(vv).

M is the mass in kg and v is the speed in m/s.

It depends on the mass and speed, so changing the mass or speed will change the kinetic energy.

Work done: The unit for work done is also joule ( J )

the formula for work done is: FD, f is the force applied in newtons and d is the distance moved parallel to the direction of force in meters.

So to calculate, the energy needs to be converted from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy as it rolls down the ramp, and through out the entire experiment from rolling down the ramp and the horizontal track, it will lose energy as sound or heat.

The principle of conversion of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but transferred from one form to another. So the gravitational potential energy will convert to kinetic energy as it rolls down the ramp,but at the same time, some coverts to unwanted heat or sound energy. Once at the horizontal track, the kinetic energy will also convert to other forms like heat or sound thus loosing kinetic energy and eventually making it stop.

By: Brendon Goh

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Team Members

Here are our members for our group:

Koh Su En S2 - 02

Carisa Chan S2 - 02

Bevan Koo S2 - 06

Brendon Goh S2 - 06

Thank You