Plenary Sessions:
Importance of water - dirty and clean
We must save water and appreciate it and not take it for granted as there are people in the world who do not have access to clean drinking water and fall sick very easily.
Revolution of Microelectronics Technology
Electronics can be integrated to form better technology like bionano electronics.
Biomedical engineering and technology
Reducing size for a fixed volume to get a larger surface area to have more energy.
IT for Animation
Animation is a painstaking process that needs lots of labour to create frames and animate them.
Disappearing glaciers, rising sea levels, gravity being important
When a glacier melts, the land will pop up, so the sea level near the glacier will decrease while the sea level far away from the glacier will rise.
Deepest impression:
The plenary session that gives me the deepest impression is the one about glaciers, and rising sea levels. This is a problem as it concerns the environment. If the glaciers keep melting, the sea level far away will keep on rising, and tide will rise and causing some islands to be submerged. This will be a major problem for people in the future.
Day 3 Reflection:
Fastest ball challenge
I choose this project because I have some interest in physics. This is because physics requires calculation and experimenting, mostly with dry stuff. We do not need to handle chemicals as some might be dangerous, or bacteria. The experiment and equipment is much safer. Physics is also fun and interesting as you learn the physical things around you and about them.
My role in the group: My role is to help with measuring the angle of the ramp and place it at the correct angle and then release the ball from a point on the ramp. I also helped out in the presentation that our group made.
Challenges that we faced is that some times that the button on he photogate timer is not pressed properly or did not press, causing the timer to not start. Another is that the screw for our ramp is not tight, allowing our ramp to move left and right, causing it to be inconsistent.
From this project, I learn that the angle of the ramp and the speed of the ball does not mean that the steeper the ball the better, or 45 degrees. It is not that high because some of the gravitational potential energy will change to sound energy, so the smaller sound with faster speed will be best.
I have benefited as I have learn that it is not necessarily that the ball will roll the fastest at a steeper angle, because more energy will be converted into sound energy, which is not wanted. To maximize the kinetic energy, the angle of the ramp must not be too steep, or else the ball will make a loud sound and waste energy. From this, I learn more about conversion of energy.
I hoped that from this I can be better in physics and help me to understand more, so that I can do better and get better results. I will be able to have more fun in physics, when doing the experiments and trying things out over and over, trying to get a good result. I hope that this will allow me to understand some concepts especially energy better.
Done By: Brendon Goh