Koh Su En's Reflection

(I) Plenary Sessions [Day 1]

(A) My key learning points from each session...
1. Importance of Water - Dirty and Clean
Water is important and polluted water causes many diseases that will eventually harm man kind.

2. Revolution of Microelectronics Technology
Electronics affect future technology.

3. Biomedical Engineering & Technology
NanoTechnology affects life and many jobs.

4. IT for Animation by Prof Seah Hock Soon
Technology aims to make life easier.

5. Disappearing glaciers, rising sea levels, and why gravity is even more important than you think
Distribution of water is not equal throughout the world.

(B) Deepest impression...
The plenary session that leaves the deepest impression on me is IT for animation.
What I like about it is that the speaker is interesting and have many videos.

(II) My Personal Reflection [Day 2 & 3]

1. I choose this project because...
It was related to physics and I was interested in the topic.

2. My role in the group...
being the human timer and recording down the timings. But we all had a try on releasing the ball.
3. Challenges I/we encounter when working on this project in the last 2 days... and how I/we overcome these challenges...
It was quite hard to determine the best angle as we had no leads and nothing we can refer to, just by repeating the same process over and over again, we had to find ways to find the best angle.

4. Through this project, I/we discover...
45˙ isn't the best angle at which the ball will move the fastest across the ramp. It was the expected answer, but all of us got an unexpected surprise.

5. As an individual, how I have benefited from this programme...
I learnt about how life in the university is different from secondary school and primary school. There must be a lot of initiative and you have to think really hard on the best and most efficient way to find the most accurate answer.

6. My Aspirations...
to find out if there is different angles for balls of different type of materials. And which material will be the best to make the ball. The professor said that there is a formula to find the most accurate answer, but due to external factors, the formula's answer might not be the most accurate.